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There are a variety of courses available specific to Youth Health, below we have listed links to some of the available courses and papers which are relevant for those working with young people.  Some of these courses also include papers that are relevant for those considering becoming a Nurse Practitioner or are thinking about community nurse prescribing.


University of Auckland


Auckland University of Technology


Massey University





Centre for Youth Health Education and Training


The Centre of Youth Health offers a variety of courses for health professionals

working with young people (including HEeADSSS training)


The Goodfellow Unit


The Goodfellow Unit offers study days and online webinar sessions, it is free to register. 

It also offers eLearning modules such as HEADSS assessment, podcasts and email gems.


Pharmac Seminars


Pharmac run seminars for Health Professionals on a variety of different topics


Auckland School Nurses Group


The Auckland School Nurses Group run study days twice a year, in May and November.

The content of the study days is designed specifically for school nurses.  These study

days are open to members – if you are not a member and would like to attend please

contact us or if you would like to become a member click here




There are several eLearning sites available with content specific to school nursing.


Ko Awatea  

If you are a school nurse in the CMDHB area you can contact one of the Clinical Nurse Specialists (Youth Health) at Counties Manukau Health about registering for Ko Awatea.  (

Health funded nurses at ADHB and can access Ko Awatea via their School Nurse Educators.


Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health eLearning modules


Goodfellow Unit

Goodfellow eLearning


Funding is available for members of the ASNG to help with course/study day costs, for more information click here


Werry Workforce



Foundation Course in Cultural Competency (Maori)

The artwork on this website has been used with the permission of the Mangere College Art Department.

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