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Executive Committee Profiles

Jodi cash


Kia ora koutou, ko Jodi Cash tōku ingoa. I am Pākehā in whakapapa and journeying as a tangata Tiriti
(treaty partner). I grew up in West Auckland and despite leaving I’ve ended up back here, living next
door to my Mum with my husband and 6-year-old daughter and have been working in this
community for the past 10 years. Over the past 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of working in various
roles in the Youth Health space. I started in the paeds cardiology ward at Starship and while I loved
looking after babies, I really loved looking after the adolescents on the ward and became interested
in how to better support them. So from there I started a journey to learn more about youth health
and when the opportunity came up, I accepted a youth health nursing role at the Centre for Youth
Health where I got to work with and learn from some of the giants in Youth Health, igniting that
passion we all feel once we connect with youth health! Since then, I’ve had opportunities to work in
many different roles, including in Alternative Education (my favourite space!) as well as in both
funded and non-funded schools. Currently I job share the Nurse Educator for SBHS for Te Puna
Manawa HealthWEST, supporting the West Auckland School Nurses.

Vicki Raynor

RN, PGCert (youth health)


Membership secretary


Youth health is a specialty of nursing that I am passionate about. Of my 28ish years nursing, 12 years were at Starship hospital, Then, my first school nurse position was at Selwyn College for 10 yrs. Currently, I am 1 of 3 nurses at Otahuhu College, a decile 1 funded school.  


It is a rewarding privilege engaging with young people, to promote wellbeing, strengthen Hauora and improve youth outcomes via continuity of youth focussed care during their schooling years. 

Jackie Venter

PG Cert HSC (Youth Health)


I am the Registered Nurse Co-ordinator at Papatoetoe High School. I have been involved in school nursing for over 10 years and have been working at this school for over 7 years. I love working with young people and believe in empowering young people to learn to develop their own skills to manage their health.  To learn how to access health services and to be able to voice their opinions and needs in this important part of their lives. ASNG provides great support and professional development to support us in our roles as school nurse

anne tseng

RN, PG Dip in Health Sciences


Youth Health Nurse | Primary Health Advocate

Dedicated Youth Health Nurse with almost 2 decades of experience. From James Cook High School (2019-2010), Centre for Youth Health (2011-2015) to my current role at Auckland Girls' Grammar School (2019-now). I am passionate about youth health and primary health. I have worked as a Practice Nurse since 2007 to now. Proud parent of two lovely daughters, originally from Taiwan, and a fervent explorer with interests in food and travel.

-Kerry ballard

Representing Hauraki Cluster

suzie dawson

Representing Eastern Cluster.


Representing Southern Cluster

Ann Riley


Representing Central Cluster

I am a Registered Comprehensive Nurse with 20 years experience. I have over 10 years of experience working in schools. I am currently employed at St Marys College and executive representative for central cluster. I feel the role of the school nurse youth health worker involves supporting and developing students ownership of heath needs and enabling students to understand processes of care, how, when and where to get help. This then empowers the student creating confidence which will help them when leaving school.

Paula Mcnamara

Representing Manukau Cluster

Kia ora Whanau,
I am an RN who has a long & diverse history from Paeds to Plastics, surgical theatre to medical cancer, Prison to school-based Health Centres.
My passion has become our young people and the community. I feel that we are in a privileged position, able to make a difference in young peoples lives. Helping them to make better informed culturally sensitive decisions in health while at school. This they can then take on to their adult life.
I am happy to represent the Manukau Cluster of hard working knowledgeable & caring nurses. We are all working in varying situations from my team of four nurses in the largest lowest decile school in NZ, to working solo with very little support.

I am sure we all make a difference in our own way.


Representing Northern cluster

Julia Holmes

Representing Northern Counties Cluster.

I am a Registered Nurse who has been working as a School Nurse at Edgewater College, a funded school, for the last 8 years. My background is in Pediatrics, spending over 12 years working at Kids First Surgical,  Middle more Hospital in the Plastics. Orthopedics and Burns Unit.

I am thoroughly enjoying my role as a School Nurse at Edgewater College and the challenges the job brings.

I feel privileged to be able to work alongside our Youth in my current role.

I have recently been appointed the Northern Counties Cluster representative. 

The artwork on this website has been used with the permission of the Mangere College Art Department.

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