Who can be a member?
In order to apply for membership you must be registered with the Nursing Council of New Zealand within the scope of practice of a Registered or Enrolled Nurse and must have a current New Zealand Practising Certificate.
You must be currently employed as a school nurse (this includes relieving work) or in a role supporting school nurses.
Cost of a years membership - $40
Membership benefits
Twice yearly subsidised school nurse study days.
Belonging to an email database that keeps you up to date with relevant PD opportunities, research and school nurse related job opportunities
Study grants - there are currently two different study grants available for ASNG members to apply for (see below for further details)
Supervision workshops
Membership of a cluster group
ASNG study grant
The Income from capital invested be expended by the Auckland School Nurses Group (ASNG) for its financial members educational purposes in relevant youth focused study or conference attendance.
A maximum of $250.00 (Two hundred and fifty dollars) will be approved per single application; however ASNG members can only submit one application per two years (24 months) for consideration by the Committee.​
ASNG discretionary fund
This is a discretionary fund which members may apply to for study/conferences/courses costs when the cost of the course is greater than $250 and/or they have already used their $250 study grant.
Each application will be assessed on a case by case basis by the EC dependent on the relevance of the course/conference to improving the health of young people within School Based Health Care, whether the course/conference can be accessed at a later date and the financial reserves of the ASNG.
A maximum of $300.00 (Three hundred dollars) may be approved per single application. The applicant needs to have been a member of the ASNG for a minimum of 3 years and members can only submit one application per three years (36 months) for consideration by the Committee.