A little bit of history...
The Auckland School Nurses Group (ASNG) is a non-profit, non-GST registered body of predominantly Registered Nurses working in school-based health centres, most of which are based in secondary schools.
The Auckland School Nurses Group (ASNG) was established in 1986 to support and provide network opportunities for a handful of Auckland Secondary School nurses. Since that time the ASNG has grown to over 100 members from the Greater Auckland region.
In the early 2000s there was a significant drive to professionalise the group and the way it operated. In 2003 ASNG formed regional clusters as a way of keeping school nurses connected with each other, offering support and professional development.
The original website was established in 2004 and the opportunity to expand this site came about with the support and funding through the Counties Manukau District Health Board's 2005 and 2006 School Health Project. The website was updated in 2019.
The Executive Committee has representation from each cluster on the committee to improve communication links. They are a key to our support and continuity as a school nursing body. There are four elected positions from within the executive. The committee meets monthly and the AGM is held at the May study day each year.
2023/2024 Executive Committee
Jodi Cash
Vicki Raynor
Anne Tseng
membership secretary
Vicki Raynor
Jackie Venter
Ann Riley
Julia Holmes
Maria Gallagher
Paula McNamara
Suzie Dawson
Kerry Ballard
Clusters are groups of school nurses who meet together for supervision, support and professional development. If you're new to school nursing, a good way to get connected and find out what's going in in schools across Auckland and beyond is to link into a cluster group.
There are currently ten cluster groups in the Auckland region, broadly divided geographical areas.
These groups are invaluable for peer and group supervision which enables you to grow both as a person and as a practitioner ensuring your practice is safe effective and ethical.
The Executive Committee has representation from each cluster on the committee to improve communication links. They are a key to our support and continuity as a school nursing body.